Hello! I am late. I apologize.
I have never done BEDA before, but it seems like a fun thing to do, so I guess it's customary to introduce oneself in ones first BEDA post, right? I'm Laura. I'm Canadian (in BC, specifically) and I am... Weird? A nerd? A weird nerd? Whatever, my kids think I'm cool.
My current hobbies/likes, in no particular order are: producing my webcomic (which is currently on a short hiatus because my house had a flood last week and it's difficult to deal with so many things at once), reading other peoples webcomics (if you have one, can I have a link to it? So I can read it? My current 'pull' list is at roughly 40, and I like adding more), playing Magic: The Gathering with my husband and Pokemon with my oldest son. I like to play Warhammer: Fantasy (Lizardmen) when I can. I also like sewing projects, drawing, sketching, doodling, painting and occasionally sculpting. I also like to cook and bake. And video games. I like to go fishing, but I'm not very good at it. I like music, mostly in the "punk rock from the 90's" genre. Also Kirby Krackle is my current favorite band and they are neither punk rock nor from the 90's.
I am on Twitter and I tweet a lot, but not as much as I used to, and I have a Tumblr, where I post a lot of text posts and reblog awesome art, but not too many gifs or anything from popular TV shows or whatever if you're into that kind of thing. I also day job. I hate my day job, but I try to refrain from bitching about it online too much.
That's enough for now I think! I won't have anything to talk about for the rest of the month if I chatter on.
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